Kid's are we tired of not being able to pray in school? If you agree with me, then lets unite, stand together and get the Lord active in our lives again.
If you agree let me know?
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The Future of Our Kids
Every week I go before the Lord to ask Him what I should write in this newsletter. And every week I present to you what the Lord would have you and I to hear and understand.
I get emails that range everywhere from "Go, brother, go." to death threats from the misled who want to "send me to my maker."
I'm ready to meet my maker.
My maker is Jahweh, and I will always believe that. Of course if I was a child, and I lived in Byron, California, I might start to think my maker was Allah.
We mustn't even whisper the name of Jesus in any public school, but we can shout the name of Allah, and study Islam, all funded by tax dollars.
Of course these children don't hear the real truth. They only hear how 'peaceful' Islam is, while most of us know that Islam is a wicked religion.
And again we musn't say 'Jesus' anywhere in public life, but schools can schedule their students to study Harry Potter, complete with Harry Potter study guides for our children, and we watch Witchcraft, and Satanism unleashed in our public schools.
Parents! Stand up for Jesus. The God-forsaken ACLU sure won't.
Now our kids are learning not only about homosexuality, but beastiality, and pedophilia:
These will very soon be quite socially acceptable! It makes the evolution farce seem mild by comparison!
Parents! If you have your children in Government training camps, (any public school) then you will be a target if you teach your kids about Jesus. They are being systematically trained to turn you in.
My friends, please don't turn your back on this truth. I didn't say it. Jesus said it in Matthew 10, verse 21: "And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death."
Jesus said, "the children shall rise up against their parents." I believe every word He said. "the children shall rise up against their parents." Please don't doubt it for a second. Get your kids out of those government training camps NOW!!!
And again Jesus said, "ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake." Pray that you will be counted worthy to be hated for His sake.
Oh, those nasty intolerant Christians. When will they ever learn!? British Radio Authority Cites Christian Radio Station for 'Offensive Programming'
Of course we can all cuddle up inside our little worlds and pretend this isn't happening, but then where will we be when it is suddenly sprung upon us. If you have an ear to hear, then hear it now.
"Make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you." -Benjamin Franklin
Servants of Jesus. We must march.
Put on the whole armour of God, Ephesians 6:13-17, if we are to stand against this evil against us.
We are the children of God, are we not!?
"Dumb children are an affliction to their parents. Lord, unloose all Thy children's tongue." -C.H. Spurgeon
We're not going to stop it my friends. The church of Jesus Christ has been asleep for too long. But God can use YOU to bring a wandering soul to Him.
If you don't know Jesus and are not sure that you have eternal life, visit the following page for a clear description of how you can know that you have eternal life.
Your servant in Christ, attempting to wrestle against spiritual wickedness in high places. I am, Raymond